Tuesday, 16 September 2008

Intolerant atheists

Just a quick one.

Have to say I am shocked but not surprised at the firestorm caused by the comments made by the Director of Education at the Royal Society, Professor Michael Reiss, about creationism. First of all let me make clear that I am not a creationist but what shocks me is that he has been forced to resign because of the comments he made. So much for freedom of speech and freedom of expression. His sin, so to speak, was that he made a speech in which he suggested that creationism should be discussed in science lessons if pupils raised the issue. What he argued was that rather than tell children who hold a creationist view that they were simply wrong that instead there should be debate in the classroom. In his speech Reiss said that his personal experience had led him to believe it was more effective to include discussion about creationism alongside scientific theories such as the Big Bang and evolution.

Instead a media firestorm broke wrongly accusing Professor Reiss of advocating the teaching of creationism alongside evolution as a scientific theory. Others attacked him for abusing his position while still more pointed out that Professor Reiss, a biologist with a distinguished career and a plethora of publications to his name, was also (shock horror) - an Anglican priest – implying that there was some surreptitious plot by Christians to subvert the hallowed halls of the Royal Society.

Sadly this intolerance is all too common… many atheists are equally as evangelical and dogmatic about their views as many fundamentalist theists, and post Dawkin’s ‘The God Delusion’ appear to be on a McCarthyite witch-hunt to expose, ridicule and root out anyone who holds public office and believes in God.

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